1. The Board of Education will undertake the following steps to ensure that applicants are notified of the National Scholarship Committee’s decision regarding their applications.
- The list of awardees will be published in all public media;
- A letter will be issued to the applicant shortly after the final decision has been made by the National Scholarship Committee; and
2. Recipients must contact the Board of Education within three (3) months of the date of the award, indicating their acceptance or non-acceptance of the award.
3. Failure to respond to the notification within the three-month (3) period will result in automatic lapse of the award.

- Be advised that the rules stated in this document, Rules and Regulations for Scholarship Recipients, apply to the BOND which all scholarship recipients are required to sign. Any breach of these rules constitutes a direct breach of the bond and its stipulations.
- All students will be bonded and, as a result, will be required upon completion of their studies to return to or remain in Antigua and Barbuda to complete a maximum of three (3) years of work within the private or public sector.
- It is a requirement that all sureties must have collateral.
- Failure to complete programme of studies within a maximum of one (1) year of scheduled completion date (date stated on bond documents) will result in (c) and or (d) of the penalties listed at the end of this document.
- Failure of the awardees to return to Antigua and Barbuda within six (6) months of the date of completion of their approved course of studies without prior approval from the Board of Education, will require that the awardees reimburse the Board of Education all monies issued to them or on their behalf plus five (5%) per cent interest per annum.
- In the event that awardees wish to pursue additional studies after completion of the approved programme of studies, he/she may apply to the Board of Education for a deferral of the fulfilment of the bond agreement.
This request must be made before beginning such studies.
Failure to comply will result in a request for reimbursement of all funds issued to you or on your behalf plus five percent (5%) interest. In addition, legal action may be brought against the recipient and both sureties.
The Board of Education will be monitoring all students throughout their entire course of study.
(1) All recipients must provide the Board of Education with verification of registration within one month of registration.
(2) All scholarship recipients are required to submit their transcripts or progress reports (official and original) at the end of each semester so as to facilitate the continuation of the award.
(3) All recipients must maintain a B average or a GPA of 3.0 during their studies so as to facilitate the continuation of the award.
(4) Recipients are required to satisfactorily complete—obtain a B average or GPA of 3.0—a full academic year’s work so as to facilitate the release of subsequent disbursements.
(5) No change of university, college, or institution or major or area of study is allowed without prior permission from the Board of Education.

(6) Recipients of awards, scholarships, and bursaries are not allowed, for any reason, to retain monies issued to them by the Board of Education for a period exceeding two (2) months prior to entering the pertinent institution of learning.
(7) Recipients are not allowed, under any circumstances, to utilize any part of the funds issued to them for any other purpose or programme of study than that specified in the bond agreement.
(8) Withdrawal from the program of study without permission from the Board of Education or legitimate reasons (e.g., illness, serious family emergency) will be grounds for the immediate withdrawal of the award and the application of penalties (b) through (d) listed below.
(9) Upon completion of the program of study, all students are required to submit a copy of their certificate, diploma, or degree to the Board of Education. Thus, students must complete their program of study within a maximum of one (1) year of the scheduled completion date.
(10) Upon completion of the program of studies, recipients are required to submit employment confirmations on an annual basis for the stated bond period so as to ensure bond fulfilment.
(11) It is the policy of the Board that students who receive full scholarships from other funding agencies automatically forfeit the Board of Education scholarship and return monies already issued to them.
(12) In keeping with the bond, all sureties are bound by any agreement made between the recipient and the Board of Education. As such, if any recipient is indebted to the Board of Education as a result of any breaches of the bond and rules and regulations, all sureties are similarly indebted.
Failure of the awardees to comply with any or all of the above will result in any or all of the following penalties:
- Immediate withdrawal of the award.
- Immediate withdrawal of all funds issued to you or on your behalf.
- Reimbursement of all funds issued to you or on your behalf plus nine (9%) percent interest per annum.
- Legal action is being brought against the recipient and sureties. Recipients and sureties are jointly and severally responsible for any obligations to the Board of Education